Sheila Vaccaro, LCSw

psychotherapist here for your journey


Choosing to start therapy is a powerful step towards self-discovery and growth, and I’m glad you’ve found your way here.

I provide individual psychotherapy services for adults and teenagers, both in my Pasadena office and via Telehealth. Together, we will create an environment of curiosity, safety, and authenticity. In this non-judgmental space, we can explore your inner world and see what emerges. This process of tuning in, listening, and experiencing helps us uncover your true feelings, which reveal your underlying needs. My approach is relational and attachment-based, grounded in both the present and the past, and centered on you as a whole person.

Your life experiences on the road to today are important in the journey ahead. I trust that what you seek already exists within you, and I would look forward to the process of healing and discovery with you.

To get started, please reach out by voicemail or text at (626) 658-7575, or use the “Contact” tab to schedule a brief phone call.

-Sheila Vaccaro, LCSW (CA112412)

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In case you’re wondering

What’s your style?

Therapists base their practices in approaches and theories that feel most true to them

Below are just a few of the theories and modalities that speak to me, and how these therapies can help.



Relational psychotherapy centers on the vital role of relationships in shaping emotional and psychological health. I focus on your connections with significant others and the therapeutic relationship we create together. By exploring and understanding your key relationships, we engage actively in a collaborative process. This involves examining how early relationships influence current behaviors and focusing on here-and-now interactions. The therapy aims to empower you to reshape relational dynamics for a more fulfilling life while considering the impact of social and cultural factors. Together, we'll transform limiting patterns, fostering deeper understanding, connection, and healing.


Psychodynamic psychotherapy delves into the unconscious processes that shape thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. I focus on understanding the deep-seated patterns and unresolved conflicts from your past that influence your present. By exploring these unconscious motivations, we can gain insight into recurring issues and emotional struggles. This therapy emphasizes self-reflection and the therapeutic relationship as a means to uncover and work through hidden emotions and conflicts. The goal is to bring these unconscious elements to consciousness, fostering greater self-awareness, emotional growth, and lasting change.


Somatic psychotherapy emphasizes the connection between the mind and body in the healing process. I focus on how physical sensations, movements, and bodily experiences relate to your emotional and psychological well-being. By paying attention to these bodily cues, we can uncover and address trauma, stress, and other issues stored in the body. This approach integrates techniques such as mindfulness, breathwork, and movement to promote healing and self-awareness. The goal is to help you release physical tension and emotional blockages, fostering a deeper sense of connection and overall well-being.



Brainspotting is a powerful therapeutic approach designed to help you access and process trauma, emotional pain, and other deep-seated challenges. In our sessions, I'll guide you to identify specific eye positions, known as "brainspots," that connect with unresolved issues and emotional distress stored in the subcortical region of the brain. By focusing on these brainspots, we can activate your brain's natural healing abilities. This method allows for the deep release of negative emotions and trauma, leading to profound emotional and psychological healing. With brainspotting, you can achieve greater emotional integration, clarity, and a more present state of mind.

Know The Path is non-linear


but still moves forward






Sessions can be held in person, online, or a hybrid of the two. The office is located in the Tatcher Medical building on Green street in Pasadena.

Stay with it - the wound is the place where the light enters you
— Rumi